Recognition of Prior Learning is a skill certification component to enable a large number of Indian youth to take on industry-relevant skill certification which will help them to secure a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills can register themselves and get assessed and certified under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) component of the scheme. RPL focuses mainly on individuals engaged in unregulated sectors. Any revisions made to these Guidelines will be uploaded on the official website of PMKVY (www. pmkvyofficial.org). All stakeholders are advised to regularly check for amendments/changes if any introduction Recognition of Prior Learning is a skill certification component to enable a large number of Indian youth to take on industry-relevant skill certification which will help them to secure a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills can register themselves and get assessed and certified under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) component of the scheme. RPL focuses mainly on individuals engaged in unregulated sectors. Any revisions made to these Guidelines will be uploaded on the official website of PMKVY (www. pmkvyofficial.org). All stakeholders are advised to regularly check for amendments/changes if any.
Objectives of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
To actively contribute to existing skill development in India by establishing an outcome-driven implementation framework that evaluates and recognizes skills and knowledge acquired outside the classroom (informal learning or learning through work), helps people acquire a formal qualification that matches their knowledge and skills, and if required up-skills / re-skills (through bridge courses) and thereby contribute to improving their employability, lifelong learning, social inclusion, and self-esteem. The objectives of RPL are primarily three-fold: To align the competencies of the preexisting workforce of the country to the standardized National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) To enhance the employability and/or entrepreneurial opportunities of an individual, and To provide opportunities for reducing inequalities based on privileging certain forms of knowledge over others RPL under PMKVY 3.0 also seeks to: Create value by making it aspirational both from the standpoint of the candidate and the employer. Upskilling / reskilling and inclusivity by certifying people are ways to make RPL aspirational. Leverage technological interventions in program delivery by providing standardized content on digital and financial literacy, online assessments, etc. Forge strong links with industry by gauging industry requirements, factoring these requirements into RPL, and thereby creating industry acceptance for people going through an RPL program and being certified.
Project Types, Eligibility, and Stakeholders involved
Project Types in RPL 3.0: RPL project types predominantly talks about the RPL execution strategy with respect to target beneficiaries. Five types of RPL projects will be available in PMKVY 3.0. 3.1.1 RPL Type 1(Camps): The salient features for this project type are: This is proposed to be conducted for target beneficiaries in a location where workers of a sector are consolidated (such as industrial and/or traditional skill clusters). The orientation hours proposed is 12 hours. Bridge Course, up to additional 68 hours, based on need and relevance can be added over and above the 12 hours of orientation. Target Allocation will be implemented through RFP mode. This will cover both CSCM and CSSM components. PIA Cost and Tranches: Rs. 2,000/- with payment in 2 tranches. Candidates going for this RPL type will receive an RPL kit. A certified trainer will provide the orientation The following can be Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs): I Private and public expert bodies in the sector recommended by the SSCs, Non-government organizations (NGOs), cluster-based associations such as cooperatives (for example, agriculture, industry associations, etc). ii Central and state government ministries, their institutions. iii Central/state universities, skill universities, Government ITIs, KVKs, etc. iv Training Providers in response to demand aggregation by District Skill Committees, State Skill Development Missions, SSCs, and Demand Portal. Some examples of RPL in camp mode are: I Automotive cluster of Mumbai-Pune, garment manufacturing cluster of Tiruppur district (Tamil Nadu), footwear cluster of Agra, farmer community, etc. ii RPL at designated centers/camps for geographically scattered workers who need to be mobilized.
Key Stakeholders in RPL under PMKVY 3.0
Project Sanction
Coverage of Beneficiaries: PMKVY RPL target is 5.80 lakh and will be divided in the ratio of 75:25 between the central and state components. Based on demand/performance, the ratio of the State component may be increased/decreased.
Identification and selection of RPL projects
The identification of projects for RPL shall be done as follows: MSDE will allocate targets for states for the Central and State components of RPL, based on objective parameters. Central Component: The implementation of the project shall be done through NSDC for the entire central component target of a state. NSDC will identify projects as per assessment done by SSC / NSDC / self demand by candidates on Portal / SSDM / DSC. SSDM and DSCs will be free to suggest projects under the Central component, based on local demand, and the same may be included by NSDC for implementation if found otherwise to be fit and suitable. State Component: The state component of the target shall be implemented by SSDMs. They shall identify suitable projects with the help of DSCs having such a demand and shall implement it as a State component. PMKVY 3.0 State level Empowered Committee to sanction such projects. Selection of most suitable RPL Implementation Agencies (PIAs) to be done in a transparent and competitive manner. NSDC shall further through the RFP process identify PIAs for implementation of entire projects under the CSCM Component. SSDM shall implement projects under the CSSM component either through an RFP process or through NSDC impaneled PIAs with the approval of PMKVY 3.0 State level Empowered Committee. 4.5 The projects with bridge courses either in CSCM / CSSM component shall be approved by the PMKVY 3.0 Executive Committee at MSDE. RPL under PMKVY 3.0 should be focused on job roles of NSQF level 3,4 or 5.
Proposal Review
For the CSCM component: PMKVY 3.0 Executive Committee (EC) at MSDE shall be the apex committee for smooth implementation and monitoring of RPL under the central component. For overall target allocation, the recommendations of the RFP evaluation committee will be approved by the EC. For CSSM component: A State Screening Committee shall be formed by SSDM / Nodal Skill Development Department in the State / UT chaired by Mission Director or any other officer of equivalent or higher rank for implementing of RPL under the state component. The recommendations of the State Screening Committee shall be approved by the State level Empowered Committee.
Project Finance
Four types of pay-outs have been covered in the
total project cost:
Pay-out to PIA
Pay-out to SSC
Pay-out for Kaushal Bima
Pay-out to the Candidate
The indicative project cost per candidate is given in
table 2:
The pay-out for bridge courses would be as per Common Norms for the hours of the bridge, subject to a maximum of 68 hours. In projects where utilization of Government-owned infrastructure, equipment, trainers supported by other projects or Government agencies are involved, the project cost will be discounted. Pay-outs will be directly transferred to the RPL PIA’s bank account (DBT) on the completion of the following milestones: Tranche 1: 80% payment on result approval by the SSC. 100% for RPL 4 and 5 posts successful certification of candidates and submission/upload of relevant documents. 30 | Tranche 2: 20% payment upon submission/uploading of Monthly Performance Report (MPR) and submission of proof for certificate handover, with or without the distribution ceremony. Pay-out to the SSC: The assessment pay-out will be provided for overseeing and facilitating final assessments, as per the NSQF level of job roles as given in the PMKVY 3.0 Guidelines. Pay-out for Kaushal Bima: Every certified candidate will be provided with 3-year accidental insurance of Rs. 2 lakh. Pay-out to Candidates / Reward for Certification: Every certified candidate will get a reward of Rs. 500/- for clearing the exam as encouragement. The pay-out to candidates will be processed centrally and will be transferred directly to the bank account of the candidate. Candidates may choose to enrol for the second time in a different job role / related job role / higher job role, under RPL, during the duration of the scheme. The pay-out against such candidates (which includes pay-out to candidates, PIAs and SSCs) shall only be given for enrolment for a maximum of two job roles, only if there is a six-month gap between the certification date of the first job role enrolled for and the subsequent enrolment date under RPL (or the batch start date)
RPL Process
Process Overview:
The overall RPL process comprises of five steps, as specified below. While this is general process for RPL types 1, 2, and 3, the Guidelines need to be referred to for project types 4 and 5. \ For RPL project types 4 and 5: Kindly refer to the Guidelines of RPL by Best-in-Class employers on the PMKVY portal for details. Type 5 online RPL will also follow the same model for Demand Aggregation. However, the candidates will be assigned to concerned SSCs which will create a batch and then carry out remotely proctored assessment.
Branding and Publicity
Branding will be undertaken in accordance with the PMKVY Branding and Communication Guidelines. Any deviation from the norms may result in the cancellation of the project or penalty as decided by the MSDE / NSDC / SSDM.
NSDC / SSDM / SSC shall publicize and promote the RPL program at the National and State levels. DSC/PIA shall be responsible for the promotion of RPL projects at the local level, through the following medium: Print Media: Advertisements in local newspapers, photo opportunities, and press releases.Outdoor Advertising: Wall Paintings, installation of outdoor hoardings, and posters in populated areas. Electronic Media: SMS, WhatsApp, pictures, and videos on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and NSDC / PMKVY / SSC / Trade Associations websites, local and community radio stations. The PIA will be responsible for the arrangement of necessary collaterals for branding and communication in accordance with the PMKVY Branding and Communication Guidelines.
Monitoring Framework
Monitoring Framework and Quality Evaluation If the project does not start within a month after project approval, it will be automatically canceled. The project will be evaluated against certain time milestones and if the progress is not satisfactory, one or all of the following will be adopted, as per Penalty Matrix:
Revocation of targets. Deduction from pay-outs as monetary penalization. Closure of the project. NSDC, SSDM, and DSC will be actively involved in the monitoring of projects. Monitoring and Evaluation will have a specific emphasis on ensuring quality in assessment and making RPL certification aspirational in the country. Monitoring parameters would also include the provision of infrastructure, the availability of tools and equipment during orientation and assessment (as validated by the SSC), the provision of mandatory kits to all participants, the provision of study material to all participants, etc. All the training conducted under are to be supported by a biometric attendance system unless mentioned otherwise during approval. The implementation of the training project by a PIA will be subject to monitoring under the PMKVY scheme. The PIA must be willing to declare the accounts and bank statements (pertaining to the project) to the Government and/or Government / NSDC impaneled auditors at any time during and after the completion of the project. The training programs of PIAs will be evaluated through onsite monitoring and random physical verification visits by DSC / SSC / SSDM / NSDC. SSCs may be involved in monitoring ongoing training programs at various stages of implementation. The implementing agency / coordinating agency will be required to submit the progress reports in the given formats from time to time.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
A Grievance Redressal mechanism shall be created for PMKVY wherein DSC shall play the role at District level for both Central and State component with escalation matrix to include NSDC for Central component and SSDM for State component. The final escalation of the unresolved queries shall be to MSDE. A detailed SOP shall be released separately for the same.